《一個都不留》(And Then There Were None)是一本翻譯小說暨偵探小說,於1939年首次出版;初版書名原為《十個小黑人》(Ten Little Niggers),後改名為《十個小印第安人》(Ten Little Indians),之後再因政治因素三度改名。作者阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂(Agatha Christie)為英國女作家,曾於第一次世界大戰期間在醫院擔任藥劑師;這段經歷不僅讓她學習到各種毒物的專業知識,亦成為她日後撰寫一連串推理小說的最佳養分來源。第一次看這本小說是在十多年前,因為看了李家同的《李伯伯最愛的40本書》中的介紹,加上自己對於偵探小說亦有興趣閱讀,便找了這部小說來看,一看下去便欲罷不能,亦不得不佩服這位外號「偵探小說女王」(Queen of Crime)的寫作功力。

第一次看這本小說是在十多年前,當時因為看了作家李家同《李伯伯最愛的40本書》一書中的介紹,加上自己對於偵探小說亦有興趣閱讀,便找了這部小說來看;一開始閱讀便欲罷不能,亦不得不佩服這位外號「偵探小說女王」(Queen of Crime)的寫作功力。以下會先說明整本小說大致的內容,並摘錄其中的經典文句,最後是個人閱讀之後的感想。
十位來自不同領域且素昧平生的陌生人,卻不約而同地接到一對署名為歐文(Owen)的夫婦之邀,請他們到戰士島上的別墅作客;然而一行人抵達別墅後,卻遲遲不見這對歐文夫婦的蹤影。詭異的是,每個人的房間都掛著一幅寫著同一首古老童謠的裱框文字,且餐桌上擺放著十個小瓷人。晚餐結束後,正當大家飽餐一頓、心滿意足之際,突然從一台老式的喇叭留聲機傳來一陣刺耳的尖叫聲,並當場宣讀所有人的罪刑,立即引發所有人的恐慌。在此同時,年輕、富有且行為放蕩不羈的馬斯頓(Anthony James Marston)卻不幸被酒嗆死;隔日早上,管家羅杰斯(Thomas Rogers)的太太艾莎(Ethel Rogers)被丈夫發現在睡夢中過世,且餐桌上的小瓷人數目開始逐漸變少。原本預定的船班未抵達島上,眾人無法離開戰士島,加深了大家的焦慮與恐懼。
麥卡瑟(John Gordon MacArthur)將軍在海邊無故被人襲擊後腦而死亡;他的遺體被阿姆斯壯(Edward George Armstrong)醫師 帶回別墅後,暴風雨開始襲擊戰士島。隨著餐桌上的小瓷人數目繼續變少,大家開始對彼此產生懷疑。翌日,小瓷人的數目又繼續變少,且眾人發現羅杰斯在洗衣間砍柴準備生火煮飯時,被人砍殺後腦致死;早餐結束後,布蘭特(Emily Caroline Brent)因身體不適,獨自一人在飯廳歇息,卻因被蜜蜂螫傷頸部而不幸過世。此時別墅僅剩五人,且外頭仍然狂風暴雨不斷。當眾人因秘書薇拉(Vera Elizabeth Claythorne)在寢室內被海藻嚇到尖叫,而一同跑上樓關切時,退休法官沃格夫(Lawrence John Wargrave)卻不幸在客廳被槍殺身亡。所有人拖著疲累的身軀,心驚膽顫地返回各自的寢室。不久之後,布洛爾(William Henry Blore)聽到寢室門外傳來腳步聲,便逐一確認其他人是否在房內;經過一番確認,阿姆斯壯醫師從島上失去蹤跡,且小瓷人的數目亦減少。
僅存的三人利用白天發出求救訊號,但仍未收到任何回應。布洛爾獨自一人返回別墅覓食,後來被薇拉與隆巴德(Philip Lombard)發現其腦袋被一塊白色大理石砸爛,死在別墅側邊的露台;阿姆斯壯醫師則被薇拉與隆巴德發現在大海中溺斃。薇拉搶走隆巴德的手槍,並扣下扳機,將隆巴德一槍打死後,便選擇自盡,應驗了古老童謠的最後一句「一個都不留」。警方接獲報案,並迅速尋獲這十個人的遺體,卻無法解釋犯案動機與經過;直到一位船主將兒子撿到的瓶中信交給警方,事件始末才終於真相大白!
The old man stood in the doorway. He raised a solemn hand and blinked his bleary eyes.
“Watch and pray,” he said. “Watch and pray. The day of judgment is at hand.” He collapsed through the doorway onto the platform. From a recumbent position he looked up at Mr. Blore and said with immense dignity:
“I’m talking to you, young man. The day of judgment is very close at hand.”
Subsiding onto his seat Mr. Blore thought to himself:
“He’s nearer the day of judgment than I am!”
But there, as it happens, he was wrong. . .【Chapter 1】
Down the steep track into the village a car was coming. A car so fantastically powerful, so superlatively beautiful that it had all the nature of an apparition. At the wheel sat a young man, his hair blown back by the wind. In the blaze of the evening light he looked, not a man, but a young God, a Hero God out of some Northern Saga.
He touched the horn and a great roar of sound echoed from the rocks of the bay.
It was a fantastic moment. In it, Anthony Marston seemed to be something more than mortal. Afterwards, more than one of those present remembered that moment.【Chapter 2】
Ten little Indian boys went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were nine.
Nine little Indian boys sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight.
Eight little Indian boys travelling in Devon; One said he’d stay there and then there were seven.
Seven little Indian boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.
Six little Indian boys playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.
Five little Indian boys going in for law; One got in Chancery and then there were four.
Four little Indian boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.
Three little Indian boys walking in the Zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two.
Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up and then there was one.
One little Indian boy left all alone; He went and hanged himself and then there were none.【Chapter 2】
In the meantime I warn everybody to be upon his or her guard. So far the murderer has had an easy task, since his victims have been unsuspicious. From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us. Forewarned is forearmed.【Lawrence John Wargrave, Chapter 9】
Each one of the four stood with a hand on his or her bedroom door handle. Then, as though at a signal, each one stepped into the room and pulled the door shut. There were sounds of bolts and locks, of the moving of furniture. Four frightened people were barricaded in until morning.【Chapter 14】
這部小說屢次被翻拍成電影或影集,其中最近期改編者為BBC於2015年底播出的同名迷你劇集(節目官網),一共三集;其中飾演法官沃格夫的英國演員查爾斯·丹斯(Walter Charles Dance),在HBO奇幻影集《冰與火之歌》中亦飾演泰溫·蘭尼斯特一角。整體而言,劇情灰暗且驚悚懸疑的氛圍創造得相當不錯,值得觀賞。